Fire Protection System Inspection and Testing:

We conduct comprehensive inspections and tests based on NFPA standards for fire protection systems, including fire extinguishers, fire cabinets, fire pumps, sprinklers, and water-foam extinguishing systems, ensuring their operability and regulatory compliance.


Life Safety Services:

Our services include safety inspections, occupancy calculations, egress inspections, detector testing and cleaning, and the calculation of required fire extinguishers, all in accordance with international standards.


Development of Procedures and Evacuation Plans:

We develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP´s) and design customized evacuation plans for each client, ensuring a quick and organized response in case of emergencies.


Specialized Training and Education:

We offer courses for corporate fire brigades on fire control, first aid, hazardous materials emergency response, and emergency management, among others. Our programs are designed by experts to ensure effective learning.


Specialized Software Development:

We create customized technological solutions that facilitate safety and emergency management in the industry, tailored to each client’s specific needs.